F**king C*nt

Certain things must be said. It couldn't happen to a bigger fucknut shat out of Satan's anal crack-hole. Amazing this made global headline news in the context of what's actually going on in the world. Keep it dumb, y'all.

Chuck Bronson

Good grief... Rampaging alchoholic cop with ex-wife on the hunt to track down a killer. Past-his-best-yet-still-entertaining Cannon flick Murphy's Law gets a review! Leave your brain at the door, and enjoy a complimetary beer.

I hope you have fun perusing my demented den. This site is home-made, which explains why it's absolute shite. But we do have modern amenities! Yes, that's right... And if you do feel the desire to "crack one out", then please use the on-site, all-digital Japanese electronic crapper. This months toilet fragrance is called "Karma".

Previously, on worldwidegimp... [Over 10 years of unmitigated shite!]

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