Thank you Mr Pupe, for that entirely non-offensive generically styled generic holiday message. We find you at your most eloquent.

Eeeeeh, I do love a bit of Christmas chopping (ahem). This Christmas I purchased a load of LOGS (from Blammo) for the family, and if they're not so impressed with my gifts, they can always toss. Themmmm on the fire! And it's always a joy to huddle, yes, huddle around the fire whilst watching traditional Christmas classics: Silent night, deadly night, Black Christmas, and, of course, Die Hard. All firmly established Christmas fare, oh yes indeed. I need a drink.

Sighs from the depths... in a technicolour dreamscape.



What in blazes?! Takashi Murakami has taken over Le Château De Versailles... I took some rather
lovely pictures there, which are ready to view in the Japanese section of the site. Don't miss 'em.


EVEN MORE junk has been uploaded to J-WWG this month. Below is a floating cube. Mmm, this was
a window display in the Ginza area of Tokyo. Lekker. Let the cube take you there...

Ginza, Tokyo.

Ho, ho NO. I hope you have fun perusing my demented den. And if you feel the need to 'crack one out', use the on-site, online, distinctly mid-range electronic crapper. Remember, it's Christmas, so there will be a queue. My advice: Book early. This month's attractive toilet scent is 'The Spirit Of Christmas'. 80% Proof. Too much will make you sick. I had some once and woke up bleeding.

Previously, on worldwidegimp...

2010: 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01
12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08

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