
... and a good day to you, Ladies & Gentlemen. It's already been a month since this truly diabolical site went 'live', and what alot of errors there were! Thankfully, no-one was looking, so I reckon I got away with
all the niggly little problems, which gives me a perfect excuse to create many more. Hurrah!

Yes, It is September...

...which can only mean one thing. More shite. Indeed, piles of drivel are being spewed from my brain into the ether, and landing haplessly onto your stinking computer. Life is better now... unless, of course, you are using Internet Explorer to view this s(h)ite, which probably means life is a little skewwhiff.
Actually, those teething problems have been swept under the rug... and thank goodness for that.

So what's new? The Movies section is being constantly updated, unlike the Sleaze section, which will be last out the blocks. Whatever that means. I'm also adding more crap to the music section... a bit here, a bit there, la de da...

Also, the death of personal hero Keith Waterhouse has prompted the birth of the 'Heroes & Villains' section. Sad news about Keith, and Simon Dee, who also passed away recently. I'll be adding more to
this section at a later date.

But look... Could it be true?

Eeeeeeh, smashin', absolutley smashin', la's. Yes, it's Tarby, everybody's favourite light-entertainer, comedian-cum-golfer-cum-cheeky-chappy-chap. To make things ever-so-interesting, only one of the Tarbys leads to the bastardisation of a masterwork picture. Pick a Tarby, any Tarby... But which Tarby?

*Be careful though! One of them is a bad Tarby... a dirty Tarby. Choose your Tarby well, dear friend.

Anyhoo, I hope you have fun in my little demented den... but if you feel the need to vomit, please do not hesitate to use the on-site crapper. Also, you can view previous postings below. Gawd bless yer.

Previously, on worldwidegimp...

2009: 08



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