I couldn't agree more Fred, really. Besides, the mild tastes a bit off tonighf, if you know what I mean.
Yo! Yo! Fred Gee is in the muthaf*ckin' house, and he's representing... something. Yes, that's correct. Fred Gee was a character in the famous British soap opera Coronation Street. He was played with pie-eating gusto by one Fred Feast. I think that's the right way round... Character and actor were remarkably similar, so I never really could be sure. Hell, judging by the card above, even he had trouble remembering who he was. Howling mad mentalist David Icke thought he knew who he was. Icke once remarked that Fred Feast was a high level member of some sort of new world order (presumably the one inside Icke's head), whose members work under the orders of (wait for it) shape-shifting aliens that secretly rule the world! There was no evidence of our Fred (neither Feast nor Gee) actually being half-man, half-lizard. Pity. That would've made for a great episode of Coronation Street. Now then...

Withnail Wines & Co.
Yup. Dreams can come true. Our own 'portly pot-man' will guide you through this month's updates.
You'll need to click on Fred's chubby face to view the pages. Super.

Cheers Fred, thanks for your time. Well, I hope you have fun in my little demented den... but if you feel the need to 'crack one out', please do in fact hesitate. But if you really must go, then for goodness sake use the on-site crapper. It smells of 'urine & vomit', which is a new fragrance from England. Sweet.

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2010: 01
12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08


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