Meow meow meowwwwwwwwwwwww.....


Buh ... Duh ... Bum.

Which is supposed to represent those cheesy hexagonal drums from the 1980s. Yes. The 1980s were indeed synonymous with many many bad things. Cannon films was and was not one of those things. For sure, you knew what kind of movie you were going to get when you saw & heard the Cannon ident: Quality. But, as described in detail in the book Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, what exactly is quality? Quality can be good and bad, high and low. Indeed, quality is one of those very very misused words in modern society, particularly those who commentate on football. Those imbeciles misuse quality (and literally) with every moronic breath.

Cannon films were of both HIGH quality and LOW quality. Mostly the latter, to be honest. From Chuck Norris 'classics' including the Missing in action films, the Delta force films, Stallone flicks Cobra & Over The Top, a veritable shit load of Charles Bronson revenge films (including the nasty 10 to midnight) not to forget those early Van Damme films, but also highly enjoyable 80s classics like 52 pick up & Barfly, and some not so hot movies like the American Ninja films (ugh), the live-action Masters of the universe movie, Alien from L.A & The Happy hooker goes to Hollywood, which sounds like a real good treat.

In my opinion, there is one Cannon film that really should be celebrated: Lifeforce. This Mad classic sci-fi vampires from Space disaster epic from 1985 rules over them all. And you can read about it here.

I hope you have fun perusing my demented den. And if you feel the need to 'crack one out', use the on-site, digitised, mid-range Japanese electronic crapper. This months very VERY attractive toilet scent is"What's a beautiful naked space vampire like you doing in a place like this?". Be cautious: It has bite.

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