Very Funk Indeed - A series of Funky compilations

Back in the bleak, early days of my time in Manchester, I starting collecting funky tracks and dumping them on to what was then known as 'audio cassettes'. These mix tapes would then be passed around and/or swapped with other people with similar funky tastes (No 'M People' please!) It was a good way to latch on to undiscovered and/or very obscure funk music without paying a shit load of money for a rare slab of vinyl.

Fast forward some years later, and audio cassettes were defunkt, so it was time to create Mix CDs instead.
I figured 10 different volumes ought to do it, that way they'd all be the cream of the funky crop. But as time passes, I still stumbled across many funky musical surprises... Tunes pop up out of nowhere, and, over time, 10 VERY FUNK INDEED compilations slowly turned in to 12, and then, in 2021 the 13th & 14th compilations were created.

So, tapes were replaced by CDs, which were replaced various other digital formats which can de distributed via many many other internet-type methods. What used to be called 'Walkmans' are now called 'smartphones'. And so it goes on... and on... and on...

Clicking on the images below will open a new browser tab. You can listen to the compilation there... 12 are available for your listening pleasure!

Volume 1: Breaks & Beats (2005)

The first volume typified the original concept... stick my favourite funk tracks at that time on a disc. Sorted.
The quality of the music on the original mix from 2005 was rather poor, mostly due to the fact that I had no idea what I was doing. As of 2016, this has been rectified, and the audio quality is much better!

Volume 2: World Famous Breaks (2005)

Volume 3: Guitar-Based Funk (2005)

Volume 4: Funk Four Your Ears (2008)

Volume 5: Hammond Heroes (2009)

Volume 6: Break Beat Extravaganza! (2009)

A companion piece to Volume 2. And 1. And all the rest.

Volume 7: Soul, Soul, Soul. (2009)

Volume 8: Sirloin Steak Funk (2010)

Volume 8

Volume 9: Very DEEP Funk Indeed (2013)

Volume 9

Volume 10 (2013)

Volume 11 (2016)

Volume 12 (2018)

Volume 13 (2021)

Volume 14 (2021)


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