
ABOVE: After a long delay (what else is new?), I finally got around to reviewing the Astérix DVD box set I got hold of a looong time ago. The Astérix animated film reviews are HERE!

ABOVE: Something vaginal this way comes... A David Cronenberg retrospective at Amsterdam EYE!

Sitting Target!

ABOVE: Birds, a shooter, explosions and MEN! MANLY MANLY MEN! And birds!! Sitting Target!!

ABOVE! Two very welcome 2013 Blu-ray releases of WorldWideGimp in-house favourites get updated: The bloodied Euro-madness of Possession, and the Cannon Sci-Fi Mentalist Classic LIFEFORCE. Hurrah!

Outrage Beyond - Kitano's latest gets a Blu-ray release in Japan.

Claudine Auger is a beautiful lady. Here she is slumming it with other stars in THE BASTARD!


Billy Ray Cypress Heeeel Stone Cold Hard Target

Hmm. The mullet. A curious addition to the MANLY man. Popular still to this day, don't you know? Yes. Nobody had a mullet quite like 'THE BOZ', which is an ingenious knickname for American football player turned action movie star mullet-wearer Brian Bosworth. To the right of 'THE BOZ' is a Belgian who chews on snakes as snacks. What all this gibbering means is that Stone Cold and Hard Target are reviewed. Both of which feature Lance Henrikson as the bad guy. A - huh..A Huh huh huhhhhhhh...

Not to be out-manned is Dolph Lundgren. A Swedish MANLY man. One of his better films (not saying much, that) is Dark Angel, a ridiculous piece of early 90s excrement excitement. The image below is a truly diabolical cut and paste job used for a Spanish video cover. Poor, yet somehow fitting.

The Swede!

Now here's a curiosity... Below is a piece of information about a certain Steven Seagal. This information - real and untouched- is from a prominent movie information site situated on the interweb. The truth - like a badly-packed kebab - is sometimes hard to kill- I mean swallow. Bizarre information aside (just what are 'corrugated eyes', anyway?) Seagal's finest hour was in a nasty, very violent 1991 film called Out for Justice. No, really!

The Seagull!

Annnnnnnd the Dutchman! Never one to be outdone, Rutger Hauer made a steaming heap of what was then known as 'straight-to-video' movies. Some were very bad indeed (Salute of the Jugger, anyone?) But one film that stands out during Hauer's "I don't care, I'll do it" phase is Split Second. Split Second is devisive. Some people think it's a terrible film, but I know different. Split Second is, much like Clint Eastwood's The Rookie, a parody. Yes! Yes it is! A tongue-in-cheek yarn to entertain the stoned masses. It is bad. It knows it. This is the charm.

Thplit Thecond

I'm always slipping updates to my Top 100 films page. Only to be viewed if you give a toss, that is.

Archived Movie Pages:

Altered States, The Ruling Class, Leone westerns, Suspiria, Lifeforce, The Evil Dead, The Exorcist, Enter The Void, Logan's Run, Scanners, Kitano's Outrage and many more besides.

The Bitch, Withnail & I, Network, Blow-up, Demon Seed, Performance, Possession & Anna.

Bibble, babble & shite about -amongst other things: Freebie & The Bean, Studio Ghibli, Death Laid An Egg, Pieces, The Limey, Don't Touch The White Woman, Brainstorm, Dobermann

A rant about the BBFC- updated!

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