Astérix Animated Feature film Reviews


Back in 2009 I purchased the Astérix 50th anniversary DVD box set released by Madman in Australia. Apparently, this was the most complete set ever released, with the films being in the correct aspect ratios with dual-language audio & subtitle options. That last part was the deal breaker, as some of the English dubbed versions are truly, truly, TRULY diabolical.

Here's my idiot's guide breakdown of this DVD box set:

Astérix the Gaul (1967)

The animation is quite poor, it looks like the production was done on the cheap. The print displays lots of dirt & grain, and the characterizations are weak. The Aspect ratio (AR) is 16:9 FHA (full height anamorphic), and it doesn't look right... It looks a bit cropped to me. The French audio is okay, as are the ENG subtitles.

Even as a kid, I never really liked this (or Astérix & Cleopatra). It's shoddy & humourless. There's no spirit of the books here at all. All in all, a lacklustre beginning to the animated saga.
16:9 FHA - Running Time: 1H05m

Astérix and Cleopatra (1968)

Another cheap-as-chips 'Euromation'. The story is padded out with musical numbers (oh no!) The English dubbed version is okay, though, even if the film is tedious. Again, the 16:9 FHA aspect ratio looks wrong... Slightly cropped in my opinion.

Poor characterizations again with no spirit of the books. Souless shite.
16:9 FHA - Running Time: 1H09m

The Twelve Tasks of Astérix (1976)

Hurray! A great one! The Euromation still isn't top quality, but it is a very funny film. The English version is excellent! All credit to the writers & vocal talent for this. The spirit & humour of the books is prevalent in twelve tasks, which makes it one the best Astérix film adaptations. Excellent! Oh, and look out for a cameo of Oom-Pa-Pa!
16:9 FHA

Astérix Vs Caesar (1985)

The characterizations are pretty good here, and the English dub is also very good! This Madman release has French titles & credits, and has a quite poor Stereo 2.0 mix. I repurposed it to 5.1 and it sounded much better. (I quickly checked the French audio, and it sounded a lot better). The story has elements of Asterix the Gladiator & Asterix the Legionary.

The disc includes a very good featurette 'from page to screen' (in French, with ENG subtitles) running almost 10 minutes.
Running Time: 1H14m

Astérix in Britain (1986)

I remember an old VHS version I had of this with the audio so low, all I could hear was hiss. Thankfully, it's a bit better on this DVD, but the picture quality isn't so great. The AR is 14:9 pillar-box within a 16:9 frame... Could it have been sourced from a 4:3 ratio? That would explain the poor video quality somewhat.

The movie itself is very good. Good animation, accurate characterizations & a witty English dub. One minor gripe is that the voices of the Romans are American! Me no likey!

A great adaptation that desperatley needs to be re-released utilizing a brand-new transfer from whatever source it origates from. The A/V quality is okay.
16:9 FHA - Running Time: 1H16m

Astérix and the Big Fight (1989) (Le coup du menhir)

Apparently, there are two English dubs of this film. An American English version and a British English version. The British version has not been released on DVD at any point. Only the American version is available on DVD. Which is a pity, as Astérix with an American accent is just plain wrong. Also, the names of the characters are weird in the US dub, so I avoided that version like the plague & stuck to the French dub with English subs.

The film looks adequate enough, but it's the story that's the main weakness... It's all fucked-up. Astérix and the Big Fight is a great book, but this adaptation is not like that at all! It has elements of the soothsayer book, and -erm, musical numbers (FFS) to pad out the duration of the film. On a PLUS note, Michel Colombier's score is a nice bonus. Stick to the French version.
16:9 FHA - Running Time: 1H17m

Astérix Conquers America (1994) (Astérix et les Indiens)

Right (takes deeeeep breath)... This is a German production, presented on this disc in a 4:3 ratio with a 5.1 French audio mix, and English (HOH) subtitles. The HOH subs are not too much of a distraction, but 'normal' subs would have been a nice option. The English dub has Craig Charles as the voice of Astérix. Now... A scouser doing the voice of Astérix is way off the mark, especially Craig 'crack-head' Charles. Of all people on this planet Earth, why him?! Whoever made that decision should be dragged out into the streets and shot. Twice.

The story is okaaayyy. Getafix is kidnapped and the Romans want to drop him off the edge of the world. Astérix & Obelix go after him, 'discover' America (and Turkeys or "gobble gobble" as they're known here). They also come across a sexy young Indian girl. I wonder if she gobble gobbles. Anyhoo... this is slicker than what has been seen before, and Harold Faltermeyer does the music!

Beside the misguided English dub, my other gripe here is with the story. It's a (very) loose adaptation of the great crossing, but there's no real wit or humour here. Pity.

The blurb on the back of this DVD box set states "All films come in original aspect ratios", but Astérix Conquers America is presented here in 4:3! This is wrong. I actually bought the French Blu-ray, and it's not only MILES better quality, but also in the full 16:9 ratio, as intended. The English subs on the Blu are still HOH though. Ah well.

An average Astérix film in a below average presentation.

Look out for:
Visible genitalia! When the beggar pretending to be legless stands up, his penis and testicles are on display for 2 frames!
AR 4:3 (DVD) 16:9 FHA (French Blu-ray) - Running Time: 1H20m (DVD) 1H25m (Blu-ray)

BELOW: The exterior to the 2013/14 Astérix retrospective in Paris. Photos were not allowed inside, and even the ones I took in a sneaky way sucked balls!

Astérix and the Vikings (2006)

Well-made! Slick, funny & very entertaining! The English dub is American English, so that's no good for me... I stuck to the French version.
Lots of nice extras on the disc: Making of (26m), from comic to film (10m), new characters (3m) & trailers. A good package.
16:9 FHA - Running Time: 1H15m

In conclusion: Much credit to Madman for releasing this comprehensive box set. The aspect ratio issue with Astérix Conquers America is a drawback, but everything else is good. Film wise, Astérix the Gaul & Astérix and Cleopatra are dreadful. But the rest are at least watchable, especially twelve tasks & vikings, which are very good movies, becuase they get it right. I recommend this box set to fans, but it is Region 4 playback, so be aware of that.

So! Let's move on to the latest animated version:

Astérix Le Domaine des dieux (2014) (The Mansion of the Gods)

This is the first Astérix adventure in CGI... In 3-D no less! And my word, how slick it is! After a verrry slick opening sequence, the film whizzes along at quite a speed. The boars are funny, as are the chickens, but no sign of Geriatrix's hot wife! Hmm.

I imagine this looks quite nice in 3-D, but I don't have that set-up.

This is the Canadian Blu-ray release, and it has both French & English audio & subtitles (both subtitle options are HOH, mind you, so be aware of that!)

Conclusion: Absolutely briiliant! After 47 years of animated editions, they've finally got it right! More please!
Running Time: 1H26m

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