Movies Archive

Where you alive during the late 1970s? Did you "do" Disco? Did Disco "do" you?? Do you have an open mind? If you stare at a piece of shit for an indiscriminate amount of time, are you entertained? If you answer yes to any or all of these questions, read on.


There is a film from 1976 about an "angry prophet denouncing the hypocrisies of our times". It is a classic.
It is called "Network", and was made in 1976. Warning! This review contains language.

Mad Prophet MAD AS HELL!

One of the best films of the 1960s gets a mention here. Yeah, baby, it's Antonioni's classic 'Blow-Up'.
It features the great British actor David Hemmings in his best role. Stroll on...


Donald Cammell didn't make many films before shooting himself in the head (Ohhhh the frustration of it all).
But look! One of the films he actually managed to make was Demon Seed! Seven years prior (well, nine as it happens) he also made Performance, which is still as crazed as it was back in 1970.
Very groovy indeed, man.

with wines

One of the funniest films ever made, Withnail & I is a definite condender for most watched... the rare thing
is one never tires of it, no matter what state you're in. It's... it's magic, I tell you!

"IT'S ABOUT A WOMAN FUCKING AN OCTOPUS!" barks the blurb on the back cover!
But what is this madness, and what is it really about? Click on the image to find out!


Karina crazy after all these years! One of the finest examples of the swingin' 60s is this French Musical gem, revolving around and starring the beautiful and talented Anna Karina at the peak of her career. Formidable!

I'm always slipping crafty updates to my Top 100 films page. Only to be viewed if you give a toss.

Archived Movie Pages:

Bibble, babble & shite about -amongst other things: Freebie & The Bean, Studio Ghibli, Death Laid An Egg, Pieces, The Limey, Don't Touch The White Woman, Brainstorm, Dobermann

A rant about the BBFC.

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