Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight AKA BĂ´hachi bushidĂ´: Poruno jidaigeki (Teruo Ishii, 1973)

Now then! This is the kind of film that truly belongs in the WorldWideGimp Sleaze archive! The film is made in the spirit of the Lone Wolf & Cub series (actually by the same creator Kazuo Koike), with spurting blood, severed limbs, and a large, titliating amount of female nudity. Get the beers in.

Shino is an infamous assassin with equally infamous hair. He tires of his life and decides to end it. He fails, and awakens in a whore house owned by the Bohachi clan. The clan hire Shino to raise hell in the local villages, attacking brothels and intimidating the locals, so that the Bohachi clan will have total control over all the prostitution and opium trafficking. Needless to say, naked bloodied chaos ensues!

Bohachi Bushido is a well-acted, well-made sleazy action 'pinky violence' classic, violent and hallucinagenic, and riddled with boobs and buttocks. This forgotten eight wee wees over Tarantino's forgotten two.

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