Sexy White Bush
Back back in the days before we were all walking around glued to our mobile wireless devices, a truly modern disease which has rendered peoples living in developed nations to act like zombies, and even before TELEVISION, the world had trannies. Yes, transistor radios were the bees knees... The Cat's whiskers... The dog's bollo- well, anyway, to celebrate this achievement of human kind, I've cheaply cobbled together a page of trannies for you to enjoy. Of course, back in my day, trannies really meant radios. There was even a British comic strip called 'Danny's Tranny', in which our hero (Danny) had a magical fanny tranny that helped humanity and that. Really quite marvellous.
Nice Bush
No Bush Here
Religious Tranny
Handbag Tranny
ABOVE: Now, gather round children. Before Television, this big ugly wooden thing that was the focus of all our attention, an indiscrete shithouse tranny, cunningly made to look like a dresser, or a large set of drawers. RIGHT: Here's a tranny you could listen to religiously! Thank you... Thank you, I'm here all night. BELOW: Is it a toaster or a tranny? Or BOTH!? Hang on a minute! That's a good idea... or could it?
SHINY tranny
Zenith Tranny
Woodie Tranny
Cheap Tranny
Tropicana Tranny
Oranje Tranny Front
Oranje Tranny Rear
ABOVE: A truly diabolical-looking tranny from the 1950s. Ugh. Interestingly, this model was a prototype. The interior mechanics were not complete at this stage, so it was basically just an outer shell still in development and therefore not operational in any way. This is what's known as a Pre-Op Tranny.
Danny (with Tranny)